Use gamification to create a branded questionnaire for maximum engagement

Use gamification to create a branded questionnaire for maximum engagement

With gamification, your company can easily customise question and answer games for marketing and research purposes. Quizzes, Surveys, Personality Tests, and Product Recommendation Quizzes make for engaging and interactive ways to engage audiences for a vast range of purposes.

Whether it’s proposing industry specific scenarios to engage employees in applying knowledge and skills in corporate training, gathering public opinion on legislation, or matching a customer’s needs to the appropriate product or service, a tailored question and answer game makes for a highly versatile tool for audience engagement.

What is gamification?

Gamification is applying game mechanics and game design elements to make regular tasks and processes more interactive and more engaging. This is because when you can make a game of something, or find the fun, or more gamified approach to a task, you can bring out the best in people. Whether this adding elements of challenge, elements of competition, or offering rewards for completing desired tasks, you more effectively tap into people’s intrinsic motivations through gamified content.

While gamification has its constraints, the benefits and opportunities far outweigh these. Fundamentally, there are many areas across business, marketing, education, and the public sector where user motivation is wanting, and generating audience engagement is challenging.

Gamification, implemented effectively, is a near-universal way to appeal to a target user, motivate desired behaviours, and encourage desired actions. The proof is in its gaining popularity: from whispers and novel marketing campaigns in the early 2000s, to multiple gamified apps in nearly every aspect of modern culture today, from fem-tech to fitness, language learning to mental health, as well as countless marketing, training, and educational games in use by companies and institutions around the world.

What are the main benefits of a questionnaire?

There are different types of questionnaires to employ as part of your gamification strategy depending on your objectives.

Here is a brief overview of the question and answer games you can customise on the Drimify platform:

The Survey

When you need to gather people’s opinions on a topic en masse, you use the Survey. You can use the Survey format to ask people how they heard about your business, how often they shop, or how much they typically spend on goods and services in your niche – you could really ask pretty much anything you need to know. You could use it to learn more about your audience by asking who they are: what demographics they fall into, how they got involved in hobby X or activity Y, and so on and so forth.

Equally, it could be used to gather public opinion on industrial development (whether you’re the developer or an independent concerned party), or be used to gauge public opinion on political matters. You customise it, you deploy it, the Survey gathers data and information for you to use.

The customer satisfaction Survey

Ask your customers simple but clear and precise questions that will help you determine how their experience with your business was. You can give them a list of features pertaining to their experience and ask them to rate each feature on a scale of 1 to 10, or value-based multiple choice answers on a scale from “Terrible” to “Excellent.” This will help you to know what your customers liked and where your business could improve.

The Product Recommendation Quiz

For a business selling a specific line of products or services which each serve different user needs, this is like creating a digital salesperson. You could ask your customers questions pertaining to use, their budgets or desired price points, and other habits which would indicate they’re better off selecting one product over another.

This kind of gamified experience can serve to answer questions, demystify your range, and move a customer closer to a purchase. You start by creating the results: your products that make up the range. You then create the questions, and match the multiple choice answers to the most appropriate result. On each results page you can include a link to your product on your ecommerce site.

The Personality Test

This works on the same game engine as the Product Recommendation Quiz, but is more a bit of fun designed to engage a user, ask them for contact information, and ideally get them to opt-in to a mailing list or subscribe to your social media channels. This format can be highly shareable on social media, especially when users get unexpected results. It could also be used to promote an event or an exhibition, for example, a Personality Test could ask, “Which Avenger are you?” and be used to promote a comic book convention.

Obviously, the key is to theme it around something popular and topical, or something highly pertinent to your business or your event.

The different applications of a gamified questionnaire

Questionnaires are excellent tools for collecting important information and data on a particular topic. They allow users to express their opinions and are therefore very useful tools to get feedback from customers or a targeted demographic. Even internally, for a company’s HR, a questionnaire can be used to gather employee feedback, or even gauge employee satisfaction rates.

We’ll run through more detail on how surveys can be used to boost external marketing campaigns, and to improve internal communications.

For your communication and marketing campaigns

Questionnaires can help companies decide where to focus their marketing efforts. As a starting point to launching a marketing strategy, you could use a customised survey to estimate how many people are aware of your company, and how they became aware of what you offer. This could help identify where your marketing strategy needs to be improved, and where the focus needs to be going forward, as well as identifying possibilities for future marketing games opportunities.

Customised questionnaires in the form of Product Recommendation Quizzes can be used on landing pages and social media pages to create engagement with visitors and help convert them into customers. By guiding them through the buying process and suggesting the right product or service, you will generate more revenue and sales.

Having customer satisfaction Surveys included as part of automated emails at the end of buying with you through your ecommerce channel is also a great way to monitor your business’s performance in terms of customer satisfaction. By sending out an email where customers can give feedback, it brings any issues to your attention immediately, and potentially in a private channel, allowing you to resolve customer issues and fix any bigger issues which you might identify in the process.

For your internal business strategies

By integrating gamification into the recruitment process you will be able to improve candidate engagement and increase conversion rates. Game mechanics such as Quizzes and Personality Tests lend themselves perfectly to the recruitment campaign framework to trigger applications and help segment candidates.

By creating games and quizzes, you will gain key information about candidate profiles, such as their soft skills, industry expertise, and their knowledge of your company. This information can then be used to shorten the hiring cycle and make it more efficient.

After the recruitment phase, you can improve your onboarding through gamification to make it more autonomous, more labour efficient, more engaging, and more effective. With Quizzes and audio and video questionnaires as part of gamified training, you can educate new hires on the company and their role, and create job-specific scenarios for them to apply what they’re learning and to assess the effectiveness of the onboarding process.

Questionnaires are also perfect for conducting regular internal Surveys to determine the level of employee satisfaction, or to gather the opinions and feelings of relevant teams when it comes to the direction of the company.

Drimify makes it easy to create customised, branded questionnaires

With Drimify, you can customise your next gamification and gaming experience in just a few clicks. Depending on the needs of your project, all the key features of gamification are at your disposal through tried and tested game engines which can be fully customised on the Drimify games creation platform. Create online questionnaires which can be animated with text, video, audio, and images. It is also possible to have answers take the form of images or text.

The dashboard available on the Drimify authoring platform also supports your gamification project from start to finish by providing important data on survey participants and users in real time.

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