Responsible business practices today contribute to a better world tomorrow.

Every Drimify employee shares our company values, all of which contribute to a culture of service, transparency, partnership, empathy, creativity, responsiveness, and commitment.

Aware of our responsibilities, Drimify is committed to taking social, economic, and environmental impacts into account in all of our decisions and actions, as well as our recommendations to customers.

This CSR charter enables us as a business to reduce our environmental impact, improve customer relations and the relevance of our recommendations, and develop a harmonious human resources policy that enables each employee to grow and develop inline with the values of the group.

Our CSR Charter is the key to sustainable, shared growth that benefits the company, our employees, partners, customers, and, more broadly, end-consumers and the ecosystem in which we operate.

Under the responsibility of Mounir Iddir, co-founder and CSR manager of Drimify, our Corporate Social Responsibility Charter is based on the following 3 pillars:

Sustainable development

Our IT policy

The aim is to reduce the impact of our IT systems on the environment. To limit its carbon and energy footprint, the company is taking a number of steps:

Choosing an eco-responsible hosting provider (OVH): Eco-innovation is at the heart of OVH’s philosophy, and since 2003, they’ve been engaged in a process of reducing the energy consumption of their data centres, notably by designing a liquid cooling system for their servers which eliminates the need for air conditioning. As a hosting provider, OVH is constantly innovating to reduce the amount of electricity needed to run its data centres. This also results in reducing the energy cost of running their servers, and customers benefit directly.

Data storage within shared tools: In order to optimise energy consumption and limit printing as much as possible, we rely on professional solutions that optimise running requirements, and keep the company’s key processes digitised (quotes, contracts, invoices, customer deliveries, etc.).

Workstation management: We undertake eco-responsible purchasing, carefully organise and plan the end-of-life of equipment, and reduce electricity consumption at every opportunity (switching off workstations every evening, etc.).

Widespread use of videoconferencing: We use digital channels to allow our teams to collaborate to keep travel to a minimum.

Reducing travel and promoting public transport

At Drimify we take a systematic approach to minimising travel, particularly through videoconferencing and web conferencing. Whenever necessary, the company’s employees use public transport (train, metro, bus, and if needed, shared vehicles, etc.).

Remote working, since being introduced, has reduced travel by 98%.

Raising awareness among employees, customers, and partners

The company’s CSR Charter is given to new employees as soon as they join. Every employee is invited to sign it. Additionally, the company’s CSR manager ensures that the Charter is applied on the company’s premises on a daily basis.

Our CSR Charter is publicly available on Drimify’s website.

Social Policy

Commitments to employee well-being

Through its organisation, its management model, and the benefits it offers, the company strives to contribute to the fulfilment of its employees. To this end, the company has put in place a number of measures that contribute to the well-being of its employees:

This commitment is applied at every stage of human resources policy, including recruitment, training, promotion, and career advancement.

Harmonious ecosystems and societal commitments


The company is committed to dealing honestly with its stakeholders, in particular by passing on the information required and being open about issues relating to them. Shareholders, employees, customers and partners receive reliable, transparent and truthful information.


Ethics are at the heart of the company’s business relationships. The company is committed to fighting corruption and influence peddling.

In application of these principles, everyone must avoid situations where personal interests may conflict with those of the company and could harm the company. Objectivity must guide everyone in their relations with the company’s various partners. Any potential conflict of interest must be disclosed to the company’s CSR manager to enable the company to prevent or resolve it.

The company ensures that its subcontractors and suppliers are committed to an ethical approach and hopes that they also respect the principles of this charter.


The company undertakes to respect the confidentiality and security of confidential information received from employees, customers and other stakeholders, and not to divert it from its original purpose by appropriating it or making it available to a third party.

This also requires employees to respect the confidentiality and security of such information and data (including personal data). It is also essential for each employee to ensure that any information specific to the company remains strictly confidential.


The company proactively complies with all the rules and requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), under the leadership of its co-founder, Mounir Iddir, who assumes the role and missions of the company’s data protection officer (DPO).


The company complies with the rules of national and international competition law (sometimes referred to as antitrust law), and refrains from any practice that might hinder free competition.

Supplier commitments

Since its creation, the company has given priority to sustainable development criteria when choosing its suppliers. The company also scrupulously respects its suppliers’ terms of payment, and strives to reduce the risk of suppliers becoming dependent on it for business.

Social guidelines

Wherever possible, the company endeavours to include recommendations for actions that align with the CSR principles of this charter in any advice it gives to its customers. The company encourages all its customers to promote responsible consumption policies.

Global Compact

The company proactively respects the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact, as outlined below:


1. Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and
2. make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.


3. Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
4. the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
5. the effective abolition of child labour; and
6. the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.


7. Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
8. undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and
9. encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.


10. Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

Our approach

The world is changing. Consumers, employees, and companies are paying more and more attention to what they consume, and how brands and companies assume and approach their responsibilities. More than ever, CSR is at the heart of our concerns.

As a company, we are increasingly committed to taking into account the social, societal, and environmental impacts of our actions, decisions, and recommendations. They are at the heart of our business, with our employees, suppliers, and customers.

That’s why these commitments are enshrined in our CSR Charter, which reflects both our raison d’être and our values.

12 reasons to choose Drimify

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